Posted by Peter Cusden on December 13, 2006 
Some people are not that smart. Nice shot.
Posted by Brian Hiscock on December 13, 2006 
REAL smart, that fella!
Posted by Mark Rosnick on December 13, 2006 
It almost looks like he's looking at the engine. Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive. Nice shot
Posted by paul erickson on December 13, 2006 
Looks like he might be sanding the road in the 4x4 pick up truck.
Posted by Dean Kaplan on December 13, 2006 
What was this guy thinking?? Great shot Mark.
Posted by DJ Miller on July 22, 2009 
Good thing he made it!
Posted by W. D. Shaw on June 3, 2024 
It was shot with a focal length of 313mm, a pretty decent telephoto which will make the actual distance between the truck and the locomotive much more than perceived in the photo. Is it not possible the truck driver saw the locomotive was far enough away and moving slowly enough that he would be safe crossing the tracks? There appears to be minimal protection at this crossing also. The train would have to be moving slowly, perhaps even readying to stop and manually protect the crossing. Could bemuch ado about nothing...
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