Posted by Mitch Goldman on February 6, 2007 
Excellent - I like that is appears B&W but has a few areas of color. Nicely set, too. Waiting for new pics from you is like anticipating new songs from your favorite group.
Posted by Scott Markloff on February 6, 2007 
Another good shot, Andrew. This reminds me of some of the old PRR pictures of Horseshoe Curve. It takes me back in time even though its NS units and not PRR units.
Posted by FRED on February 6, 2007 
Great, nailed a great Horseshoe Curve shot! Nicely set, I like the tree. Keep 'em coming!
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on July 6, 2007 
A beauty! Nice match in color between the leaves and the first hopper.
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