Posted by Mitch Goldman on February 26, 2007 
Love this photo, John. Looks like a brass model in 1:1 scale. Nicely composed, just wild!
Posted by Lee Baxter on February 26, 2007 
Nice shot John
Posted by Richard Stevens on February 26, 2007 
What a superb shot of clapped-out industrial steam!
Posted by John West on February 26, 2007 
Richard, you hit it on the head. This is my favorite picture from the trip. An ultimate clapped out steam picture. With a background worthy of Dickenson, and absolutely perfectly grotty weather. The asbestos paste is the crowing touch. Now, to wait for a picture of the C2 being restored by the Ffestiniog.....the utimate alpha and omega twins.
Posted by traintroll on April 17, 2012 
This is the BEST modern steam photo I've ever seen! Beautiful in so many aspects. It is inspiring a group of us to do a modern layout in On30 and to kitbash some locos into a C2 replica. Would love to get a high resolution copy of this for the club and project.
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