Posted by John West on March 24, 2007 
Wonderful picture. The signal, headlight, fog and track reflection combine to make a great night image.....and no streaks or red dots to mar the serenity of the scene (although the noise may have been deafening!) PCA for me.
Posted by Michael F. Allen on March 24, 2007 
This is a really beautiful shot. Great composition and the light is really ethereal!
Posted by Bill Merlavage --- on March 25, 2007 
well done
Posted by Doug Wolfe on March 25, 2007 
Great effort on your part J.B.
Posted by Mark Rosnick on March 25, 2007 
Very nice shot J.B.
Posted by Greg on March 25, 2007 
Amazing Picture!
Posted by J.B. Lockard on March 27, 2007 
Thanks for the kind words guys. Your comments will inspire me to try more like it.
Posted by Preth on March 28, 2007 
This freezes the moment of anticipation for a rail fan -- she's gonna burst into view any second now. That's perhaps the sweetest moment that passes all too quickly as the train then rumbles by and is gone. Each time I look at this I feel that thrill and can make myself hear the diesels throb. Thanks. Great catch. Love the silhouette of the leaves against the light.
Posted by excellent..! on April 6, 2007 
Great pic, JB..
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