Posted by on March 27, 2011 
Did the railroad just leave all of the locomotives sitting there tofall apart? Why? Nice photo, though!
Posted by DreamTrainsHD on April 21, 2011 
A few years ago there were some people saying that here would be a railroad museum. That thing never happened although there are four steam locos, one 1938 built german steam crane and a turntable here. This locomotive was built in 1943 by the Cegielski Works in Poland.
Posted by David West on November 17, 2013 
What a shame that the railway museum never got started. An interesting photo similar to scenes we used to have in England from the 1960's through to the early 1980's When people were getting round to rescuing as many locomotives as they could. Giving us a wonderful collection of both static and fully operational steam (and now also diesel locos) locomotive for people to enjoy.
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