Posted by Tom Mugnano on October 24, 2007 
Great shot Brian. It looks like the trees are in need of some triming for next year. Congrats on Screeners choice well deserved.
Posted by Serban Stanescu on October 25, 2007 
Nice shot.I like it very much!
Posted by Tom Michele on October 25, 2007 
Great photo, with the sweeping curve to give dimension, and still show almost all of the train, and well done. The beautiful scenery helps a lot, and thanks to that engineer too. Congrats and thanks.
Posted by Jim Smith on October 26, 2007 
You should convert this photo for a couple of rides on Amtrak. They would be foolish not to want this on their timetable!
Posted by Jim Thias on October 27, 2007 
I agree with Jim. This image is fantastic and looks like something that would be used in one of their schedule books.
Posted by Ed Mullan on October 29, 2007 
In my opinion, this is as good as it gets. Just a great photo, from the foliage, the three locomotives, to the perfect fog line at the top of the image. I've often said some very good stuff is done in bad weather. Here, friends, is the proof.
Posted by Aaron J. Border on November 5, 2007 
Congrats on getting a PCA, Brian!
Posted by Ross Fotheringham on November 7, 2007 
WOW! I missed this one on it's first time around! You really need to submit this to Amtrak - they have a nice marketing budget you know. Sharp, Crisp, every color on the chart, and fall weather too. You did catch it all.
Posted by Ronzzr11 on November 10, 2007 
You could even give them a new marketing slogan to go with the photo, "Winter Spring, Summer through Fall, Amtrak does it all". A great photo. Ronzzr11
Posted by Travis Dewitz on July 27, 2008 
Great Shot!!
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