Posted by Kyle Tribianni on February 16, 2008 
Imbeciles these/those days. Nice shot, and unfortunately a classic scene!
Posted by Charles Freericks on February 16, 2008 
A scene seen all too often. Nicely captured though.
Posted by Michael Edwards on February 16, 2008 
Safety doesn't seem to be a priority here as it appears a passenger is riding on the lap of another in the front seat. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by Ross Fotheringham on February 17, 2008 
Jeeze is that 2 kids I see in the front seat?? A double whammy IMO!
Posted by Jack D. Kuiphoff on February 17, 2008 
There are two small children in the front seat. One has a blue snow suit on, and neither is straped in or in a child safe seat. JDK
Posted by Donovan Peltier on February 17, 2008 
Sad thing is 25 years later those children have kids of their own & probably learned from mom how to put their life in danger.
Posted by Doug Wolfe on February 17, 2008 
You can clearly see the gates are down. Risking the lives of a couple of kids so you don't have to wait 5 minutes. Great photo Jack!
Posted by on February 17, 2008 
Hey, Jack; If the train had hit that car, where do you think the car would have ended up? I'm guessing we wouldn't be seeing a shot from you from that day. Soemthing for all of us to think about when w're out there shooting. By the way, you missed a good caption. "Here we see a cat about to get a rabbit." Or soemthing similiar.
Posted by Sammy Carlile on February 21, 2008 
That’s a great shot from a different era. We have to remember that back in 1983 when this shot was taken, it was a different world we lived in so seeing small children riding in the front seat and on the laps of adults was quite commonplace. Back then, I drank water from a water hose on a hot summer day and a ride in the back of my dad’s pick up truck was a weekly occurrence. Now, both acts are strongly discouraged due to obvious safety reasons.
Posted by Jack D. Kuiphoff on February 21, 2008 
Yes, a different era!!! Look how much we lost since then. All the railroads that are now gone, jointed rail, pole lines, no ditch lights, B&O CPL's, having to worry about being arrested by Homeland security, and WV Rabbit's,(no great loss, even though they where built about 6 air miles from here) Lots of changes since 1983, some for the better, some for the worse. Wish I could gp back.
Posted by rickylee310 on February 21, 2008 
Total insanity! I just had a lady hit my train a few weeks back..we were actually stopped and switching out a customer. She was doing about 40 mph when she hit the tank car and got wedged under it. Lucky she wasn't killed. No one respects a train anymore...
Posted by Charles J. Renella on February 22, 2008 
Joe has a good point, the photographer isn't out of harm's way, either. What if there was a train coming up from behind at track speed? Two wrongs don't make a right here.
Posted by billnict on February 23, 2008 
Actually the photog may have been usuing a mild telephoto lens so he would have been out of harms way.
Posted by Jack D. Kuiphoff on February 23, 2008 
Thanks for going to my defense billnict, you are correct. I did take this with my zoom lense, and was not even close to being in any danger of being run over. Thanks
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