Posted by Andrew Blaszczyk (2) on March 4, 2008 
Posted by Jeff Swanson on March 4, 2008 
I agree! Very neat composition, Pete.
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on March 4, 2008 
Super juxtaposition.
Posted by Ray Peacock on March 4, 2008 
Excellent photo Pete. Worth a PCA vote.
Posted by Luis Salvatierra on March 4, 2008 
What a beautiful picture!!!!
Posted by on March 4, 2008 
Very nice. PCA vote from me...
Posted by milepost56 on March 4, 2008 
Spectacular shot Pete!
Posted by Michael Quagliano on March 4, 2008 
Nice frame job Pete!
Posted by Nick Latulip on March 7, 2008 
Next year's Christmas card. Great shot
Posted by assiuolo on March 18, 2008 
What excellent juxtaposition. Bravo.
Posted by Sam Davey on March 21, 2008 
This is one of the best night shots I have ever seen. Great work!!
Posted by Harald Schmitz on March 21, 2008 
super, great shot Pete!!!!!!
Posted by SD45-Lady on June 12, 2008 
The island of calm! This is an Oscar prized creation, Pete!
Posted by Vic. Louie on December 22, 2008 
Beautiful Shot, looks like a painting. Just beautiful, keep up the good work Pete.
Posted by AlanH on October 31, 2018 
Fabulous shot. I first saw it some years ago, had to re-visit!
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