Posted by Ray Peacock on March 27, 2008 
Love the fallen flag boxcars too John.
Posted by Ryan Parent on March 27, 2008 
Nice photo and reflection John.
Posted by Kyle Tribianni on March 27, 2008 
Very nice shot, John! Congratulations on Screener's Choice -- I'm glad to see a Conrail shot under the "Recent Screener's Choices" on the homepage!
Posted by CaliforniaRailroader on March 28, 2008 
GREAT shot of some fallen flags! I saw a hopper today exactly like that airslide, and with the exact same Milwaukee Road paint scheme, it was sitting on the siding at DePue Warehouse in the tiny ag town of Williams, CA on the California Northern Railway. Could you imagine the coolness if it was the same one in the pic?
Posted by Doug Wolfe on March 28, 2008 
When I saw it I said "wow." I gave you a PC vote for it.
Posted by Dan on March 28, 2008 
Great classic Conrail shot here.
Posted by Willie Brown on April 7, 2008 
A beautiful shot captured at a beauty of a location. Thanks for posting.
Posted by Steve M on April 8, 2008 
I love to see every classic Conrail pic on here I can, great shot keep em' coming
Posted by Donald Haskel on April 19, 2008 
I like this shot, John. Beside the still waters. I miss the old symbols, Q means nothing to me.
Posted by Charles E. on April 23, 2008 
John, Great reflection on the water I do long for the days of Conrail. Thanks for posting
Posted by Andrew Pohorence on June 14, 2008 
I have that special on tape and I love it! Nice catch!
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