Posted by Dana M. on March 31, 2014 
Steve, not to be disrespectful but this is not a 'streetcar'. It is in fact a Maintenance of Way line repair car used by the trolley/streetcar company to go out and repair the overhead electric infrastructure as in the poles, wire, wire support cables, etc. The roof has the "cage" to assist in support of the maintainer to prevent him/her from tumbling off the roof, and the roof is insulated with a rubber mat over the wood frame to insulate the worker and ground him to prevent him from being electrocuted. One could actually stand on the roof of this car and grab a fully charged cable with 660+ volts of electricity flowing through it and not worry about even feeling a "tingle"! That metal piece on the front is actually a "people catcher" that is able to be lowered and it would literally 'sweep' people off the tracks/off their feet and safely deposit them into that metal "cradle" to prevent them from hitting the street and being run over be this car while it was moving. It is similar to a "front end loader" bucket, only flat!
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