Posted by Nicholas O Sullivan on March 1, 2009 
Great photo!
Posted by Mike Roth on March 1, 2009 
Very interesting picture Bob.
Posted by Charles Freericks on March 1, 2009 
Unless the name didn't come into being until the 1960s, this job would be "The Hayshaker." What a fantastic image. Really can't thank you enough for sharing these.
Posted by Thomas Nagel on March 2, 2009 
What also makes this such an interesting picture is that it includes the men who did all the work with these machines. Sometimes we take to much interest in the machines and not the people who actually did the work. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of a long gone railroad.
Posted by mikeberge on March 5, 2009 
Great candid glimpse of another era.Thank you for posting.
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