Posted by Nscalemike on April 13, 2009 
Those are very different looking Alco's compared to their US counterparts....what are those external tanks for ?
Posted by GP5 on April 13, 2009 
Maybe these are "Transformer Robot" ... it's being transformed to be a locomotives ... great looks
Posted by Kent Nelson on April 13, 2009 
Very nice photo. Thanks for sharing these rare birds.
Posted by D Balkauskas on April 14, 2009 
Nscalemike, they're not tanks on the roof. It's a set up to run an air air cooler to improve the engine cooling. It was supposedly pretty effective.
Posted by John Kirk on April 14, 2009 
The locos in the Pilbara are required to operate in extremely harsh conditions. The temperatures in the region are the hottest in Australia and often in the 40+ºC and can be as high as 50ºC. During the wet season, the railroads have to cope with torrential tropical rain, cyclones (hurricanes) and extreme humidity. There's also dust and high winds to deal with as well in the dry season!! IIRC the giant fans and extra piping were to help cool the power plants in the extreme conditions.
Posted by Blair Kooistra on May 29, 2009 
Now, those are some MEAN looking Alcos. BARK!
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