Posted by Mitch Goldman on April 18, 2009 
Awesome. Steam, plumes, blue skies, location - I'd head to the Casino's next!
Posted by Michael Biehn on April 18, 2009 
Beautiful shot Ryan!
Posted by Steven M. Welch on April 18, 2009 
Great shot Ryan... Still kicking myself for not going into Andover.
Posted by Ryan M. Martin on April 18, 2009 
Mind you, the near 45º angle hike up here is pretty killer, I am sure Ryan Dadgari will agree! Not an impossible trek, just hard on my asthma - we sounded like steam engines huffing and puffing as we climbed up the grade! KUDOS to the Donner Pro father and son team for showing the way up as well as other railfans that pre-scoped out the conditions.
Posted by Nscalemike on April 18, 2009 
Best so far of the 844 bunch I've seen here on vote for PCA.
Posted by Mark Whitt on April 18, 2009 
As I sit here staring at this photo, my simple and usual adjectives just don't seem to sum up how I feel about this picture. Simply incredible!!
Posted by Alex Ramos on April 18, 2009 
Ryan, were you shooting with a digi 'blad yesterday morning? Nice square image! And Welchie-man, I don't think you would have made it up that hill... It was pretty intense!
Posted by M.L.Gabert on April 18, 2009 
Beautiful!!! Other than a few taller trees, this area hasn't changed much since my last visit in the late '80s. Thanks for braving the climb (and the asthma, I can relate) for this wonder shot Ryan. ~ Mike
Posted by Ryan M. Martin on April 18, 2009 
Thanx Alex, yeah like I have an extra $20-30G's to fork out for a big bad Hasselblad! I was surprised to see you show up here on the Hill yesterday. Glad to see Sheridan's car made it up Coldstream Canyon Rd. In just over a 1000 feet of hiking, I shed off two layers of clothing - nothing like going from 30's temps + 20's windchill in Nevada to the mid-60's snow-melting sunshine high up on Donner!
Posted by Steve Carter on April 18, 2009 
Ryan: Good effort, great photo! Always nice when you go to so much work that the shot comes together.
Posted by Jason Eminian on April 19, 2009 
An all around great shot there Ryan. I like how the smoke contrasts with the snow and blue skies. Well done.
Posted by Ryan Dadgari on April 20, 2009 
Ryan, Your shot is great! It really captures the beauty of Mother Nature with a man made beauty of a beast! Great work Ryan! I would say that this was one of the toughest climbs I’ve done, but thanks to the UP stopping the train in Truckee, I was able to take my time and get up the mountain in enough time to set up for a completely different shot from this location. Oh, and a thank-you to SuperFoamer and his Father for showing me around and allowing me to hang out with them for this trip.
Posted by Dean Kaplan on April 27, 2009 
UP 844 made steam on donner pass a lovely scene. Awesome shot Ryan!
Posted by Jim Thias on April 27, 2009 
Excellent! I missed this the first time around, but if it's any consolation, I would have voted a PCA as well. Doesn't look like you needed any more help in that department, though. :-)
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