Posted by cmdrflake on October 17, 2009 
The R&N has announced its intention to abandon this part of the original BM&R, hopefully the Reading Historical and Technical folks will find a new place to be able to continue running their collection of Reading heritage Alcos, GEs and even EMDs.
Posted by James Evans on October 19, 2009 
I believe that the Hamburg line isn't being abandoned, but instead being "discontinued". Specifically, they are going to stuff the line full with storage cars for the time being. It's a shame with the museum being at the end of the line, but not much they can do about it at this time.
Posted by on October 11, 2011 
The Reading Tech should lease this line for train excursions. Then it will be like the old BM&R but without the steam. The ideal thing would be to run trains every weekend from South Hamburg to Temple like the BM&R did using diesels like this one in the picture. Then, if, a big IF, they could negotiate with Norfolk Southern to run diesel excursions to Harrisburg or Philly. But, the old Reading Blueliners are friction bearing, and Norfolk Southern doesn't like friction bearings because of the risk of a hotbox and tying up the main delaying freights. But, NS is going to be running steam excursion trains themselves, but on a limited schedule and at times to not interfere with freights. And most won't be for the public, but NS execs, employees and shippers. A few will be public. The steam train will tour the system starting next year and taking four years to go through 22 states. 630, 4501, and 610 from TVRM in Tennessee will be used with 630 to be used initially until 4501 is restored.
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