Posted by Ken Huard on December 25, 2009 
Posted by Leonard P Torney on December 26, 2009 
Excellent shot. It's funny how there are so many photos of so much stored power, yet elsewhere on this site are photos of new GE units at the factory in Erie awaiting delivery to the UP.
Posted by RivetingPhotos on December 26, 2009 
That's an amazing amount of money sitting idle. Reminds me of the airliners stored just north of me in Mojave. Many of them are perfectly good aircraft, yet the new ones are so much more efficient that when used pretty much continuously they quickly pay for themselves in fuel savings.
Posted by otlocal on December 26, 2009 
I count about 150,not including yard power.Good stuff JOHN.
Posted by Hydrachuck on December 28, 2009 
Undoubtedly those new units at GE were ordered before the downturn. The cancellation charges + better fuel economy mean it's better to keep buying.
Posted by Leonard P Torney on December 29, 2009 
I guess there will be plenty of cheap used power to be had for alot of the Class II's and shortlines still running stuff older than these.
Posted by Train_Man on December 18, 2012 
Love all that UP power 4-lines of it. All in Texas good for UP. Very good photo.
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