Posted by on February 9, 2010 
Simply stunning, Dave! It looks like a day time shot from the thumbnail! Glad you were able to take advtange of the full moon! A PCA vote from me.
Posted by on February 9, 2010 
Another beautiful photo. It's not very often you see a streak photo in what looks like sunshine.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on February 10, 2010 
The Honan continues to impress. Well done!
Posted by Ken Kuehne on February 10, 2010 
Took me a second to wrap my mind around this one, but now that I have, I like it. Nice use of the full moon to simulate daylight. I normally pass on shooting under a full moon for that exact reason, but you've shown that it certainly has potential for interesting shots.
Posted by Steve Carter on February 10, 2010 
Looks better here than in print Dave! The trees are more illuminated. Your full moon worked better than mine did that same evening.
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