Posted by Travis Dewitz on March 13, 2010 
Nicely done!
Posted by on March 17, 2010 
Great shot, Hicks. Nice to see this one getting POTW!
Posted by Charles Bonville on March 17, 2010 
Nice image! In a few years those foreground trees will be taller and this shot will be difficult or impossible.
Posted by Nscalemike on March 17, 2010 
Nice choice..and congrats on the POTW award!
Posted by Carson Goodling on April 26, 2010 
Beautiful shot and scenery from Montana, Matthew.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on June 1, 2010 
Sweet shot, Matthew! Too bad the crew was firing so well there was no plume. Nicely processed, or perhaps, at a location and time as such, there was no reason to do anything further then f8 and be there.
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