Posted by Andrew Robb on May 24, 2010 
Beautiful shot, truely aw inspiring!
Posted by Jason Cary on May 24, 2010 
Has to be one of the best Gorge pics I have ever seen....Very Well Done!
Posted by Matt C. Batryn-Rodriguez on May 24, 2010 
Beautiful photo!
Posted by Jason Eminian on May 24, 2010 
Almost does not look real or does not look like Oregon. WOW!
Posted by Bobbie Sue Baker on May 24, 2010 
I agree, doesn't look like Oregon! This is much too pretty for that, I love the rainbow of colors and the bright green. This is beautiful in thumbnail version, with the gentle curve of the locomotive and it enveloped in this incredible beauty. Great capture!
Posted by Jim Sinclair on May 24, 2010 
AWESOME photo, Randy, and congrats on the Screener's Choice! OK, you mention poison oak twice, so I have to ask... how bad did you get into it?? Hopefully, not too bad.
Posted by Andre St-Amant on May 24, 2010 
Great shot, splendid colours
Posted by Marty Bernard on May 24, 2010 
Excellent. High marks Randy for your electronic darkroom skills. And guys, Oregon is beautiful -- the magnificent coast line, the Cascades, the rivers, the waterfalls, the lakes, the forests, and, of course, the trains.
Posted by Charles Bonville on May 25, 2010 
Wow, what an image! Congrats on the SC. I was thinking it should be... and then I discovered it is! Just FANTASTIC.
Posted by David Meyer on May 25, 2010 
Randy, you have just verified why the Columbia River Gorge is my favorite place in the state I live in! Incredible contrast in so many ways.
Posted by on May 25, 2010 
Beautiful, Randy. PCA vote from me.
Posted by Adam Pizante on May 25, 2010 
Very Very nice image Randy! PCA from me.
Posted by CS927 on May 25, 2010 
I sure hope it was worth the trip through the poison oak!! Well done!
Posted by Michael Da Costa on May 25, 2010 
Excellent shot Randy, I notice a rainbow in your photograph just above the train, colours are a bit faint but you can make it out.
Posted by Charles Bonville on May 25, 2010 
Congrats on the POTW! That makes two POTW from Oregon in 2010...
Posted by Nathan Herring on May 25, 2010 
Stunning, outstanding shot Randy
Posted by Bob Bufkin on May 26, 2010 
Beautiful photo. Kinda reminds me of s snake slithering through the grass for some reason.
Posted by Paul Petersen on May 26, 2010 
Glad you caught a great moment in the CRG. Nice light and good use of shadows and highlights to make the lighting more dramatic than it already was.
Posted by Randall on May 27, 2010 
Thanks to everyone for your comments, I am glad so many of you enjoyed the photo. Standing out in the cold and the rain was worth it for this shot. It's been a week now, and it appears that I may have evaded the dreaded poison oak ... :)
Posted by Travis Dewitz on May 29, 2010 
Very nice scene!
Posted by Erick Anderson on June 7, 2010 
The faint rainbow in the background above the water really helps. Congratulations on getting the trifecta.
Posted by Lexy Peterson on June 10, 2010 
I'm a fan!
Posted by A.J. Gonfiantini on June 16, 2010 
WOW! I can't even explain how cool I think this shot is!
Posted by on January 30, 2012 
I still look back at this shot and think about how awesome it is. The mood, the rainbow, the color, the train, the river, the fields, the curve, the mountains, the mist, everything comes together to make a top tier shot that is rivaled by few on this site. I'd put it in the top 10.
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