Posted by Mitch Goldman on August 3, 2010 
Well thought out and nicely captured.
Posted by Kelly Lynch on August 3, 2010 
Posted by Bob Avery on August 4, 2010 
Very nice Robin. I love the raindrops on his (her?) jacket.
Posted by Michael Biehn on August 4, 2010 
Well done yet again Robin, excellent work!
Posted by Stephen Hussar on August 4, 2010 
Excellent! Should be a Sreener's Choice.
Posted by Kevin Ashbaugh on August 4, 2010 
Great photo Robin.
Posted by Jeff Sell on August 4, 2010 
Wonderful photo! You choice of photo composition is just right. Good job.
Posted by Jim Dorst on August 4, 2010 
Very nicely done. PCA.
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