Posted by Nscalemike on August 12, 2010 
Nicely composed and framed Jim, congrats on the S/C award as well.
Posted by Tom Trencansky on August 12, 2010 
Jim, very nice shot, excellent mood. Enjoying the peace, quiet and serenity that train is disturbing. Thanks for getting up so early.
Posted by on August 12, 2010 
You're on a roll, Jim! Great shot.
Posted by W. D. Shaw on August 12, 2010 
Fog, water, CP and spectacular! Gotta be JD! Congrats on another SC bud!
Posted by Steve Carter on August 13, 2010 
Sort of reminds me of a Thomas Kinkade painting. Well done!
Posted by Adam Pizante on August 13, 2010 
Very well done image, the fog sets it apart.
Posted by Ed Mullan on August 13, 2010 
A true beauty. Speaking of Kinkade, can you imagine this with some snow on the ground, twilight, some soft yellow lighting in the cabin windows...
Posted by David Honan on August 16, 2010 
Lovely capture, Jim! Congrats on the SC.
Posted by Jeff Terry on August 16, 2010 
Wow! Very nice. Love the mood!
Posted by Kevin Madore on August 18, 2010 
A most fitting PoTW, Jim. Everytime I look at this it makes me want to be there in that scene.
Posted by ChevelleSSguy on August 18, 2010 
Whether thats someones cabin or someones house. What a cool place to be. Trains and traquility. Cant beat that. What a peacefull place.
Posted by Bob Avery on August 19, 2010 
Very nice, picturesque location. The picture is enhanced by the misty conditions. It would be perfection were it not for those bushes.....
Posted by Kevin S. on August 20, 2010 
Wow, what a beautiful photo! This may be a new favorite for me. Thank you for sharing.
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