Posted by Ross Fotheringham on September 3, 2010 
Very Nice Dave - I love this location!!
Posted by Loyd Lowry on September 3, 2010 
An excellent photo David. I love the soft muted shadows throughout the shot.
Posted by Steven M. Welch on September 3, 2010 
That's a very unfortunate thing to happen to the 5D, but, you win some and you lose some, and I think you won my PCA vote. Great light, perfectly composed, and just an overall great scene.
Posted by Frank Jolin on September 3, 2010 
''All cloud has a silver lining'' This could have happened just before you captured this outstanding image David
Posted by Indecline on September 3, 2010 
Glad to see that your camera worked for you long enough to get this! (That's why I have two with me at any given time!)
Posted by Craig Williams on September 4, 2010 
The Ayre Sub is definitely pretty awesome. This location is something to see in person! Nice angle, great shot!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 5, 2010 
I knew it was a "Honan" when I scrolled the thumbs. Great shot, Dave. Looks like someone is looking to up their PC count for 2010! You got one of my votes!
Posted by Charlie O on September 8, 2010 
Another Honan classic! The magnificence of western railroading at its best. There are still some wide open spaces, even in today's world. The clouds, the river, the steel viaduct and the coal train shown from front to rear make this a great scenic photograph. PCA and Favorite Photo from me. (I hope Honan was able to repair his camera without too much expense.)
Posted by on September 8, 2010 
Diamond Dave strikes again!
Posted by Steve Carter on September 8, 2010 
Nice work Dave! This one got by me, glad to see it was selected for POTW!
Posted by Fotaugrafee on September 8, 2010 
You and your bridges!! :)
Posted by Ryan Dadgari on September 8, 2010 
Great Shot Mr. Honan! I really hope I get the opportunity to shoot that bridge if I can get up to Washington this year!
Posted by on September 9, 2010 
Oh my, Mr. Honan. Beautiful! PCA 1, needless to say?
Posted by Ross Fotheringham on September 10, 2010 
Still enjoying this one. Between the lighting and your comp. the image has such great depth to it. Love it Dave!! Way to keep the NW front and center!
Posted by on September 10, 2010 
David, great composure location and lighting. The setting is just mind boggling, PCA for me.
Posted by Darrell Krueger on September 19, 2010 
Shall I call you "Dr." Honan? This is a phenomenal shot!
Posted by Steve777UAL on May 6, 2011 
Awesome! Well done.
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