Posted by Bart Pulverman on September 23, 2010 
RailPictures’ editors should have required you to crop this photograph before posting it. I cropped your photo into a tight vertical format and it made the image much more dramatic. I would upload it so you can see the results, but the website does not have that option.
Posted by Jacques Leblond-Murphy on September 23, 2010 
I'm going to have to disagree - I prefer having the wider photo that gives a better idea of the overall scene.

I like the classic PNW weather, too. ;-)

Posted by Indecline on September 23, 2010 
It's not the only photo I took in this sequence - in this case, I wanted to show the scene as it was.
Posted by David Honan on September 26, 2010 
I'm with Dan; the composition works as-is because it really sets the scene. A "train photo" need not be a photo of a train, you know? Also, Bart, I suggest that next time you want to recommend a photographer's photo be rejected, send an email directly to the photog to offer your constructive criticism instead of broadcasting it to the world -- we try to keep a positive tone when commenting here.
Posted by Randall on October 3, 2010 
The train, the rain, the elements, very good capture you have here.
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