Posted by on December 22, 2010 
Just an awesome shot Travis. PCA for me.
Posted by Samuel Phillips on December 22, 2010 
Nice one, Travis!
Posted by on December 22, 2010 
Very dramatic rain storm capture, Travis. My vote for a PCA.
Posted by John Sesonske on December 23, 2010 
Incredibly dramatic and a nice leader. PCA from me too.
Posted by Chris Paulhamus on December 23, 2010 
Excellent shot, Travis! Enjoy your PCA!
Posted by Cristiano R. Oliveira on December 23, 2010 
You're brave man to be out there in this weather conditions! Nice one!
Posted by FSWood on December 23, 2010 
Especially with the steam from hot hoods, that is a neat picture.
Posted by on December 23, 2010 
Another classic rain shot from Travis! Great job. You should space these out more, so I can PCA all of them.
Posted by Wang Halen on December 23, 2010 
PCA from me as well. One of the best bad weather shots I've ever seen.
Posted by Pedro Sabino on December 23, 2010 
Dramatic shot, Travis. PCA coming your way!
Posted by Canada Lens Rentals on December 23, 2010 
I hope your camera gear didn't get soaked Travis. Interesting shot. Martin :)
Posted by George W. Hamlin on December 23, 2010 
An outstanding shot!
Posted by Dave Blaze... on January 1, 2011 
Well's nice to see that someone who appreciates the fact that trains don't just run when it's sunny, clear, and dry out. Thanks for the great work!
Posted by Bobbie Sue Baker on July 10, 2011 
I remember this day! That rain was pouring and even I thought you were crazy to go out in it, I thought for sure we were going to die! Great photograph, I would definitely have given you a PCA vote.
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