Posted by Nikko P on January 7, 2011 
Do you have pictures of the other two?
Posted by W. D. Shaw on January 7, 2011 
That's just too cool! Is this some sort of static display sanctioned by VIA or the community, or perhaps the work of a very talented tagger?
Posted by cabman701 on January 7, 2011 
I would have to say this is a static display since the ENTIRE car (wheels, couplers, etc) are painted brown.
Posted by thewiz on January 7, 2011 
What it's saying is: VIA treat their passengers like cattle.
Posted by Brian Hiscock on January 18, 2011 
To "thewiz"; I agree, and no wonder, if you looked at VIA fares you'd think people were "cash cows".
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