Posted by J. Randall Banks on March 7, 2011 
I'll bet there's a rather humorous story behind that sign. I love it.
Posted by csxlover on March 7, 2011 
Perhaps you are right J. But it could also be part of a really serious warning for those who want take tremendous and unnecessary risks. Hence it could be a paradoxical message. At least it might help deter such stupidity. A friend of mine whose father worked for the Erie actually said that on numerous occasions he would be on very high alert because of the fact that ATVs, Dirt Bikes and other off road vehicles were near the ROW and could come out of nowhere and either try to race the train or become involved in a situation such as this.
Posted by cabman701 on March 7, 2011 
Picture a car with a bike rack on it's roof (carrying a bike of course) heading down that road...
Posted by Jim Sinclair on March 7, 2011 
Nikos... NICE lighting, color and composition on this photo! No doubt there is a story behind that sign and it would be interesting to know what it is. Congrats on your photo reaching the "Top 2 for Past 24 Hours" as well!!
Posted by AtlantaRails on March 8, 2011 
Thanks all for the comments, I have always liked this shot but didnt think it would make top of 24. The sign of course refers to the height of the bridge, its a squeeze even without a bike on the roof, im sure someone with a lack of vertical judgment reduced their bike to scrap metal trying to get under the bridge. Thanks again for the comments and views.
Posted by Dave Blaze... on March 12, 2011 
Excellent shot Nikos. The lighting is perfect, the composition is interesting, the backstory is compelling. Nicely done.
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