Posted by David Honan on May 5, 2011 
Count me in that group; the way I see the West wouldn't be the same without having experienced Stein's work.
Posted by Kelly Lynch on May 5, 2011 
Phenomenal. Miss ya, Steve!
Posted by James Belmont on May 5, 2011 
A fine tribute indeed.
Posted by on May 5, 2011 
A fitting tribute it is. Rest in heavenly peace, Rich.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on May 5, 2011 
Thanks Steve, I didn't know. How sad - wow, what a legend in his own right.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on May 5, 2011 
Gorgeous Steve. I'm sure "Stein" would approve.
Posted by Renee on May 7, 2011 
I think it would be fair to say that we have all been influenced by Steinheimer's photography. Not only was his comprehensive photography of Western roads magnificent, his style of photography no matter the geography was always a winner. RIP Stein.
Posted by on May 11, 2011 
Beautifully captured, Steve. Really deserving of the POTW. Hopefully you have yourself a pending PCA here.
Posted by Kevin Madore on May 11, 2011 
Great to see a nice B&W recognized as PoTW, Steve. Not only would Mr. Steinheimer approve, but I suspect Mr. Tyson is pretty happy too!
Posted by Wang Halen on May 11, 2011 
An instant classic Steve, nicely done.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on February 5, 2012 
What a wild shot, Steve! How did I miss it (a POTW and PC, no less!)? Congrats!
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