Posted by Mitch Goldman on July 15, 2011 
Glad you were able to "reach" your goal! Nicely captured. Hopefully, as a volunteer, you can share a few more photos since so few have made there way to RP.
Posted by FuddyDuddy on July 15, 2011 
Well done! The perspective is not one often seen. Keep 'em commin'
Posted by railfanentertainment on July 16, 2011 
Congrats for being the #1 most viewed within the past 24 hours!
Posted by SeanK97 on July 16, 2011 
Would it be a stretch to guess the chances of restoration as "slim to none"? Wonderful perspective for this picture, in fact of most of them here, really appreciate your creative artistry here, keep 'em coming!
Posted by Nscalemike on July 17, 2011 
WTG Traingirl! Love the perspective
Posted by Kurt Lawson on July 18, 2011 
SeanK97 - I'd say none to none. Such an enormous wheelbase would limit where the locomotive could even go if it was restored, and the 3rd cylinder in the middle makes maintenance rather intensive. She's quite a locomotive to behold, but I think the days of such an engine under steam are forever dead.
Posted by Jeff Sell on July 19, 2011 
Such a busy looking front end.....cluttered yet appealing in a massive way! I wonder if the creators of this machine thought about the maintenance worker who had to access the smoke box door in between those huge air pumps. Nice photo!
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