Posted by on July 17, 2011 
A very clean image, Kevin. A pleasant composition, well exposed, and the moving wind mills add some interesting. My vote for a PCA.
Posted by AtlantaRails on July 17, 2011 
One of the best time exposures I've seen as of late, great work!
Posted by J. Randall Banks on July 17, 2011 
Excellent shot. The exposure lights all the way back and in all direction. By the way, what is that line under the bridge?
Posted by David Honan on July 20, 2011 
Outstanding use of ambient light to create a fascinating scene. Congrats on the well-deserved POTW, Kevin!
Posted by on July 20, 2011 
Phenomenal, Kevin! bravo on keeping everything well exposed, and then some! PCA for me.
Posted by Ed Mullan on July 20, 2011 
Not just a great job on the exposure, but a really great spot selection and wonderful composition.
Posted by Kilroy1313 on July 24, 2011 
Suberb long exposition work with a great variety of colors and light effects, great !
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