Posted by on September 29, 2011 
What an incredible view, Lew. Superb work, beautifully executed and processed. My vote for a PCA!
Posted by Loyd Lowry on September 29, 2011 
A shot of a lifetime in my book. Wonderful!
Posted by on September 29, 2011 
WOW, what a show of Nature vs. Man! Excellent! My vote for PCA
Posted by Ken Kuehne on September 29, 2011 
Trains AND Lightning! My two favorite photography genres combined! Nice shot.
Posted by Eric Williams on September 29, 2011 
Spectacular shot Lew. Nice composition all around with great color.
Posted by Ant Davis on September 29, 2011 
Simply Badass! That's a heck of a shot! PCA vote from me!
Posted by Carl Becker on September 29, 2011 
Insane! What a great shot, Lew!
Posted by Trevor Wiley on September 29, 2011 
I bet the crew wasn't enthusiastic about doing a role by ! PCA vote for me !
Posted by Chris Starnes on September 29, 2011 
Thanks for sharing this gem with us, Lew!
Posted by Jeff Sell on September 29, 2011 
Such an awesome atmospheric display! The colors in the sky and lightning are great. Good job!
Posted by Laird Barber on October 1, 2011 
Spectacular. PCA material in my book.
Posted by Ken Huard on October 2, 2011 
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on October 4, 2011 
Superb work Lew. Anyone here would love to have this in their portfolio.
Posted by Jeff Terry on October 4, 2011 
Great job Lew!
Posted by on October 4, 2011 
Congrats on PoTW! Here's to seeing you completing the tri-fecta on the other side of the page!
Posted by Adam Pizante on October 5, 2011 
Outstanding, PCA!
Posted by Lew Ableidinger on October 6, 2011 
Thanks everyone for the comments, can't believe how fast this photo moved up! Even though standing in an open field with a metal tripod in a lightning storm was questionable at the time, I'm glad I did it!
Posted by Blair Kooistra on October 7, 2011 
Congrats on a fabulous photo, Lew. I'm really amazed it got by the screeners, since it clearly appears to be 1) under exposed; and 2) backlit!!!! Good job!
Posted by Shawn M Peter on October 8, 2011 
Well done Lewis! Hope all is well been a long time since I talked to you.
Posted by Craig Williams on October 10, 2011 
Nice effort in questionable conditions, nice shot!
Posted by miningcamper on October 16, 2011 
Really good lightning shots are actually pretty scarce on the internet- this one is really good. I'll bet the train crew was happy to get going again.
Posted by David Honan on October 29, 2011 
Simply fabulous, Lew.
Posted by John Turner on August 27, 2012 
An incredible picture !
Posted by Death Interceptor on June 5, 2015 
The furious yet beautiful power of the nature and the classic power in one shot? You must be joking...
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