Posted by Wharton Separk on December 1, 2011 
Nice contrasts, Chris
Posted by on December 1, 2011 
Big, Bigger and Biggest if I say so myself.
Posted by on December 1, 2011 
Neat perspective, CK. Nice photo.
Posted by Blair Kooistra on December 1, 2011 
Wow. That's quite a ship there. Imagine how much food poisoning could go on during a cruise on THAT ship? Nice effort--great job of seeing.
Posted by Dwayne on December 1, 2011 
I guess size does matter! That give us a really good perspective of size, while you have incorporated some good transportation features.
Posted by Cameron Lochli on December 2, 2011 
I couldn't figure out WHAT the heck I was looking at by the thumbnail, but wow... Marvelous shot!
Posted by Marty Bernard on December 2, 2011 
Great telephoto shot Chris. The lighting is perfect.
Posted by Frank Keller on December 2, 2011 
Looks like one of those rare glorious days in Whittier. Such a great place for photography when the weather cooperates, which unfortunately, it rarely does.
Posted by Jake McGarvie on December 2, 2011 
Sweet picture! Unbelievable contrasts.
Posted by Ken Huard on December 7, 2011 
Excellent photo! That is one gigantic boat!
Posted by Derek Stewart on December 7, 2011 
Awesome shot.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on December 7, 2011 
" We got to get a bigger boat..."
Posted by Bob Avery on December 10, 2011 
The stack on the ship looks as if it's flapping its wings - but what a superb picture.
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