Posted by Chris Nuthall on January 22, 2012 
You gotta stop putting these up james, its too much!
Posted by Quinn Clegg on January 22, 2012 
Keep on posting these Jim,I'm glad someone was photographing the Rio Grande Zephyr when I couldn't.
Posted by on January 22, 2012 
Man..that is just fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by on January 23, 2012 
You're killing me, Belmont! If this keeps up, I'm going to request to have my portfolio removed from RP and give the hobby as a whole. ;)
Posted by Mitch Goldman on January 25, 2012 
Those were real!??! Lol. Great stuff, James! Hard to believe such a shot was still to be had in 1976. Congrats on a much overdue POTW.
Posted by Adam Pizante on January 25, 2012 
One word, classic!
Posted by David Hawkins on January 25, 2012 
Again... Nice shot!
Posted by BJ on January 25, 2012 
Posted by Gary on January 25, 2012 
Posted by Ken Kuehne on January 25, 2012 
James, thanks for sharing this wonderful photo!
Posted by Brian K. Zimmerman on January 27, 2012 
Now that's some quality photograph right here!!
Posted by PugDaddy on January 28, 2012 
Classic shot !
Posted by Dave Blaze... on January 28, 2012 
Jim, how do you even get yourself to take a camera trackside anymore? Oh how much as been lost...but thanks to people like you we have these images to last the ages. This is timeless my friend...
Posted by Jonathan Schoen on January 29, 2012 
Mountains, signal bridge, jointed rail, a meet with domestic cargo, and classy F-units pulling a streamliner; Iconic American railroading.
Posted by Sikalias Alexander on January 31, 2012 
Wow,what a fantastic photo!!!!Well done and thanks for sharing!!
Posted by Thomas Mik on January 31, 2012 
Wow. Everytime you thin James Belmont cant top what he posted yesterday,...........he slams you with another one. This shot is unbelievable.
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