Posted by Mike Ramey on August 20, 2012 
What a awsome picture. Wick Moorman is a wonderful person. He has given us steam and twenty heritage units. Can't guess what could be next. I don't think there could be anything better.
Posted by on August 21, 2012 
Moorman is a down to earth kind of guy. Nicely Done.
Posted by Derek Stewart on August 21, 2012 
Awesome picture. This is exactly where I sit when I'm in Altoona. Kinda sad that the 765 is stopping there now.
Posted by Carl Massart on August 21, 2012 
I like the simulated straps(reflective) on the vests. I bet everyone just loves wearing them!
Posted by Jeff Sell on August 21, 2012 
Nice photo! I like the 'various' color shades of the can definitely tell who's been handling the coal, grease and oil! And hats off to Mr. Moorman for allowing the 765 to travel around to various places on the N&S.
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