Posted by LocalRailfan Photography on March 20, 2013 
Absolutely beautiful shot, definitely getting a PCA vote from me!
Posted by Dave Schauer on March 20, 2013 
This is great Mike. PCA for me.
Posted by Bryant Kaden on March 20, 2013 
One of the best plow shots on the site and absolutely perfect. Great work, my friend, and I gave it a PCA vote!
Posted by John Turner on March 21, 2013 
Superb !
Posted by Craig Williams on March 24, 2013 
Mike great work with light and the plow. Got some nice plow action. PCA vote.
Posted by on March 25, 2013 
Very well captured with a combination of great use of light, composition, and processing. Thanks for sharing a true winter scene. PCA voted!
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