Posted by John Higginson on March 23, 2013 
Great scene Mike!
Posted by Andrew Blaszczyk (2) on March 23, 2013 
That's just not fair, Mike!
Posted by Dave Blaze... on March 24, 2013 
1995 really? Looks like some sort of time warp! Nicely done Mike....but then, all of yours are.
Posted by David Harris on March 24, 2013 
As usual, you seem to have made all the right decisions. Really like the '59 Buick, 951's younger, relatively tiny cousin.
Posted by Jeff Youst on March 24, 2013 
Great composition showing the grade of the street as it leads to the tracks and undulates into the distance. Nebraska isn't completely flat after all! Small town life, a train and the smell of creosote on a warm day. Love it.
Posted by Cameron Applegath on March 24, 2013 
This is great!
Posted by James Edgar on March 24, 2013 
Really cool, Mike. Definitely captures the spirit of that region.
Posted by on March 25, 2013 
From the thumbnail, I would have never believed this was 1995. Well captured, Mike.. And as Dave put it, a time warp indeed.. Thanks for continuing to share such an inspirational collage of quality images.
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