Posted by Mitch Goldman on July 5, 2013 
Tractors? We don't need no stinking tractors! Wild! Nothing like a finely balanced locomotive on a turntable. Hard to believe it can be "strong armed" into rotation by just a few men.
Posted by Entre Durmientes (Mauro C.) on July 6, 2013 
Beautiful Rorro, and welcome to RP! @Mitch: There are some that are motorized turntables, but others where manpower is needed, even more than ever railfans us we had to leave the camera aside and join the human power hehehehe!
Posted by Óscar on July 6, 2013 
Bravo, Rodrigo! I'm always looking for nice chilean railways pictures like this. Hope to see more form you soon. Saludos!
Posted by David West on November 29, 2013 
Another nice photograph of this locomotive being turned on the turntable, nicely captured. It must be a similar type of loco to the British built locomotive in the National Railway Museum in York (England). Which was built for use in China. Very good photograph thank you.
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