Posted by Troy Staten on January 17, 2015 
Very neat, thanks for showing us how they are building these "new" locomotives.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on January 18, 2015 
This is really, really cool. It is the kind of stuff I like to throw at the naysayers who say "It can't be done." Can you provide a link for donation David? Best wishes to this group and we all look forward to the result!
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on January 18, 2015 
Nice view David! After a moment of study, I was very surprised to see the cylinders nowhere near an alignment with the main axles. Furthermore, there are two axles on top of the frame! A little searching brought the information these are compound steam driven, divided drive (adhesion and cog) locomotives. Here is one site with a great deal of information plus video. In the video's I love how steep the line is (even without the cog!) and how fast the trains are driven. Those are speeds you do not see in the United States.
Posted by Felix Brun on January 18, 2015 
Hi Denis For Donations see . You have to say that its for the locomotives though. Of course a lot has to be built from scratch including Frames. But many important parts can be reused. Cylinderblocks wheels, levers and so on. Its planned to finish one first but all parts are built for two locomotives. Felix
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