Posted by Sport! on January 20, 2015 
Yep- see these from I-294 @ Roundout on Christmas Day. Where were these before Roundout?
Posted by Orion Field on January 20, 2015 
Such a shame, I remember riding those when I used to live in Chicago.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on January 20, 2015 
This photo brings to light just how impressive it is that so few Metra cars are covered in graffiti.
Posted by Matt Hultman on January 20, 2015 
I am questioning Mr. Goldman's seriousness... jk lol
Posted by Kevin The Krazy 1 on January 21, 2015 
They were originally stored on the south side pending dispo, but we're moved to Rondout to create room for more retirements
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