Posted by Mark Rosnick on March 17, 2015 
Nice shot Tyler...when I first saw the thumbnail I thought it was a 'Goldman'.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on March 17, 2015 
Nice! Making it look easy, Tyler. Now, do you have the nerve to repeat on a sunny blue sky pass? How about letting us in on the shutter speed?
Posted by Tyler Hardin on March 17, 2015 
I'd need a welder's helmet over my lense for a sunny day attempt haha. It was pretty cloudy that day so my settings were: Iso: 200 F: 13 Shutter speed: 1/25 All while zooming backwards at the same rate as the train.
Posted by John Simpkins-Camp on March 19, 2015 
A very nice zoom pan shot! It gives a pleasant "Cannonball" effect-- coming right at you!
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