Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 20, 2015 
Great set of cross bucks - is that Woodland Scenics? Or NJ International? Cool shot with a moody background. Looks like a tight squeeze!
Posted by Ry Alford on September 20, 2015 
Not only is it a tight fit, but it also looks like the "plow" on the engineers side won't clear the pavement at the bottom of the street.
Posted by Whisl'n Bruce on September 22, 2015 
Truly an intriguing shot. The clear face in the cab reminds me of the famous 1958 O'Winston Link shot, "Mainline on Main Street". Let's hope they whistle for that crossing.
Posted by on November 4, 2015 
Great photo, Steve. A spot that never grows old, even better yet, more enjoyable to see as technology advances.
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