Posted by Akhil Sanjeev on April 3, 2016 
Awesome shot.
Posted by Akhil Sanjeev on April 3, 2016 
Is that an active volcano ?
Posted by John Russell on April 5, 2016 
Yes, Ruapehu is an active volcano and put an early end to 1995 ski season with skiers making a very hasty retreat. A previous eruption about 50 years earlier caused the crater lake wall to collapse in 1953 causing the deadly lahar that took out the railway bridge at Tangiwai just as a passenger train approached during the night, one of the worst disasters ever in NZ. Ruapehu is one of the largest volcanoes and highest but by far larger is Lake Taupo which has had some of the largest eruptions on this planet!
Posted by Jay railfotographia on November 28, 2016 
Simply awesome
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