Posted by Erick Anderson on May 14, 2016 
The switch at the bottom center that's blocked by ties makes no sense to me. There's no way for it to actually reroute anything.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on May 15, 2016 
@ Erik, just a guess here but if anything ever went through those tracks -and the derail before them - at any speed, it could end up fouling the clearance of (what looks to be) one of the mains on the right?
Posted by Erick Anderson on May 16, 2016 
All three tracks that feed into that switch have derails built in (the gaps in the left-hand rails). Those require far fewer parts than switches do.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on May 16, 2016 
Understand, but if anything went through that...? (Like I said, it was just a guess. ;)
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