Posted by Troy Staten on May 6, 2017 
Thanks for showing us another wonderful photo from Roger Puta, I really like the perspective on this shot.
Posted by Greg Mross on May 7, 2017 
What I wouldn't give to re-live a month in 1963. With a camera of course!
Posted by Dana M. on May 8, 2017 
Marty - what looks like a fourth spot for a colored lens is actually a bit larger than the ones with lenses. If memory serves me correctly, this was actually a built in weight loop (as the iron/metal was a bit thicker too), to assist the arm of the semaphore signal to drop or change position in a smoother movement rather than "slam" or "drop" into position in a way that could damage the arm and mechanism moving it. I used to think the same thing that it was another place for a lens, until I noticed that the opening was larger than the other ones that had lenses. An "old timer" on a tourist railroad told me that it was a counter weighted end.
Posted by Rich Brown on May 13, 2017 
I find myself being fascinated by this photo. There is just SO much going on here. I notice that the lady agent appears to have 2 sacks of mail to pass to the RPO and a flat carton that looks much like the ones live baby chickens used to be shipped in. I have studied St Marys on google earth and this scene just doesn't seem to "fit in" with the current arrangement of things there. PS: That's one pretty snazzy Mercury she has there. 1956-57 ?
Posted by Robert on November 3, 2017 
1956 Mercury
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