Posted by Kevin Madore on March 5, 2018 
If that's really V&T #22, she's named "Inyo." The V&T was unique in that they took pretty good care of their power and held onto ancient locomotives much longer than nearly any other railroad. In fact, they held onto them just long enough for someone to recognize that it might be worth saving a few. That "someone" was the movie industry. Westerns were popular in the early and mid-20th century and 19th century locomotives like Inyo were in demand. Inyo probably appeared in at least a dozen and a half Hollywood productions. And yes, she was one of a couple of locomotives to be used in filming the TV Series "Wild, Wild West." The train in your photo looks like a movie train. Inyo is now in the custody of the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City, where she runs every year on the 4th of July weekend. She still has her original boiler and runs at reduced pressure. She's also back to burning wood, like God and Baldwin intended. I have photos of her 2017 run here on RP. The folks at NSRM are doing a great job taking care of her. Go see her, she's beautiful. Interesting photo, thanks for posting!
Posted by Troy Staten on March 5, 2018 
What a wonderful find, thanks for showing us this photo.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on March 6, 2018 
Neat find! I loved that show when it was new. Incongruous to me now is seein the “Men at Work or Blue Flag on a 19th century piece of equipment.
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