Posted by James Burlington on September 11, 2018 
I never knew until now there were fire fighting trains.
Posted by on September 11, 2018 
This is one of the best photos I've ever seen posted to Railpictures.Net. Magnificent, Josh. Absolutely breathtaking.
Posted by John Doughty on September 11, 2018 
Absolutely Spectacular! How in the world this did not get a Screener's Choice award is beyond me. PCA vote times 10!
Posted by on September 11, 2018 
Amazing photo, not sure I would put myself in harms way for a photo, but it certainly is dramatic!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 11, 2018 
Absolutely spectacular! With a lot of skill, you've perfectly captured and documented the event in a very dramatic way. Nice unique twist on the approaching train and headlights at night genre. I too wonder where the SC is, but a PC for sure!
Posted by Troy Staten on September 11, 2018 
Great shot, really captures the destruction and chaos that this fire season in CA has caused.
Posted by John Simpkins-Camp on September 12, 2018 
Mesmerizing...the "river of fire" is spectacular in its own; capturing a fire-train in the mist of this just adds drama. One of the boldest, most dramatic photos ever seen on this site. PCA nominated.
Posted by James Burlington on September 12, 2018 
And I'd like to see someone make a movie about a forest fire fighting train.
Posted by Sean Mathews on September 12, 2018 
Obvious PCA and worthy of every other accolade. Stay safe.
Posted by Toby Schwartzman on September 12, 2018 
Wow, you nailed it.
Posted by Kevin Madore on September 12, 2018 
Really dramatic photo, and processed very nicely! Surprised that it did not grab an SC, but I have a feeling it will still get the recognition it deserves when the PCAs for this week come out.
Posted by on September 12, 2018 
For this being the very first photo you have on Railpictures, you sure did a fantastic job. The effort to get this photo as well as the risk involved, is more than worth of a PCA vote! An amazing photo Josh!
Posted by Jeff Sell on September 13, 2018 impressive photo that shows both the devastation caused by a huge forest fire and the artistic angle that railfan's desire. Good job!
Posted by Jeff Terry on September 18, 2018 
One of the most amazing photos I've ever seen, hands down. Wow.
Posted by Steve Larson on September 19, 2018 
This photo is beyond any comment to give it justice. As I look at the scene above, I feel as though I am in the middle of a major motion picture. As much as we agree, RPN won't name it as top site photo. Many thanks, Josh, for capturing this shot & for sharing it with us. PCA for the little justice it can give.
Posted by Eugene Armer on September 19, 2018 
Incredible shot! Very well done for capturing this and the story it tells. PCA on the way.
Posted by Stephen Hussar on September 20, 2018 
Great work, Josh!
Posted by grassbetweenrails on September 21, 2018 
"awesome" is an over used word but it's all that comes to mind looking at this scene. Would be interesting to know more about the fire fighting trains
Posted by Michael J. Wilson on September 21, 2018 
Spectacular! Would love to know if you could have felt the heat from there.
Posted by John Westfield on January 17, 2019 
UP to the rescue! I have to give props to you for having the guts to go out there and photograph this intense scene. Hope you had a gas mask!
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