Posted by SES on April 3, 2020 
What a sight! I only favored BN as a youngster because they featured a lot of covered wagons and other old power out West where I grew up. We lived next to the Milwaukee Road Chehalis Sub, but my grandma lived in Yelm, WA. I could watch down the street from her yard as these old veterans ran on the now mostly abandoned Prairie Line. Oddly enough pretty much the same time the Milwaukee left the West, BN shuttered the Prairie Line south of Yelm, so I lost on both accounts. And the covered wagons were pretty much retired by 1981. Thanks for sharing this.
Posted by on April 3, 2020 
WOW! Cascade Green!
Posted by Carl Massart on April 13, 2020 
Is that a caboose directly behind the last engine? I like how the chain hanging from the lead engine shows how much sway the engine has seen. A good quick visual for the MOW crew to know the condition of trackage!
Posted by Steve Larson on April 17, 2020 
Thanks, Carl, for enlightening me in other aspects of railroading.
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