Posted by pjflstc on November 14, 2020 
I haven't seen any new info on NKP 190 for a couple years. Has it received a power plant/generator or is that still needed. I've been hoping to see a video of Doyle at the controls as NKP 190 is pulling a consist through the Pacific Northwest. All of our toy trains are powered by a transformer we plug into the wall. Doyle's toy trains are powered by steam or diesel/electric.
Posted by Jeff Sell on November 14, 2020 
Nice photo. I spoke with D. McCormack quite a few years ago while he was restoring PRR k4 1361 in Altoona, PA. He told me that he is from northeast Ohio and he said he used to be a locomotive engineer and operated trains over the former NKP line. I can't remember if he said that he worked for the NKP or the N&W that later took over the NKP. D. McCormack also donated an NKP steam locomotive headlight to the train museum in Conneaut, OH (where NKP 755 is on display). So it's understandable that he is fond of the former NKP RR.
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