Posted by MrRailfan190 on April 22, 2022 
I had the opportunity to visit this museum back in 2019, and I must admit that I was quite unexpectedly impressed by the experience. Though their collection is modest compared to some of the country's more famous railroad museums, I had more fun in a single afternoon spent touring their grounds than I've had at facilities many times their size. They offered a level of hands-on connection that I have simply never experienced at any other museum - I don't recall encountering a single "Don't touch" sign, and the staff not only encouraged exploration inside and around all of the equipment, but actively helped facilitate it. Don't know if pandemic-era caution has changed this ethos in the time since I visited, but hopefully they've maintained at least some of the openness and freedom that made my visit so memorable. A true gem - definitely worth a stop if you're in the area!
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