"The few Remaining" NS 132 begins its decent down Erlanger Hill with one of the reaming 14 Dash 9-40C on the Norfolk Southern Roster, this time next year this locomotive will be nothing ... (more)
NS 290 rumbles under the old Cobb Street wooden bridge in Lula with endangered D9-40C No. 8887 leading the way. 8887, formerly the second-to-last D9-40C ordered by NS, currently serves as the hig... (more)
Highball! Pt.2; Not long after pig train 213 passed southbound with C40-9 8827 in charge, hotshot northbound 212 rockets by Hackett Street, better known as "Five Row" under dynamic braking as t... (more)
Westbound through Corydon Junction.
Flying over the Chemung River in Elmira 12T wastes no time as they travel west to make a set off in Gang Mills on their way towards Buffalo.
It is a beautiful day in the Canisteo River Valley as 12T is about to enter Hornell with a short train and a nice leader.
36Q heads north through Shenandoah Junction, on its way to Shepherdstown, WV, to meet southbound counterpart 35Q.
The nose of NS 8887 finds a pocket of light while splitting the signals at Shepherdstown, WV.
NS 133 power has arrived and will go out in the afternoon on NS 132.