The original and the current…
As smoke from the wildfires in Canada continue to drift in from the north, a thin layer of fog hangs over the Yadkin River as the Original NS heritage unit leads... (more)
With the sun setting on a breezy February evening, Timothy Lawson and Ronald Roebuck hustle the hot 28R north through Ruffin as the sun starts to get to the horizon with one of the recently rebuil... (more)
As the wind blows through the trees and the fallen leaves flutter in the breeze, Chip Miller and Scotty Pennington hustle 24X north through the entrance to “The Jungle” as the fall colors reac... (more)
With storms brewing off in the distance, the sun starts to set to the west as a fresh UP C44ACM leads the daily UPS hotshot north towards Lynchburg and eventually New Jersey.
As the sounds of 3 six axles fill the walls of Dead Ox Hollow, a now rare NS SD70ACU leads 215 up the grade from Tateville towards Chattanooga with 12,000 feet of UPS and FedEx from Chicago.