CEFX SD60 6008 leads a westbound rock train past the historic freight depot in Elgin, TX
Ex-SOO SD60 6011 leads a westbound rock train through Paige, TX
A well-weathered ex-SOO Line by way of Indiana Railroad SD60 leads a westbound rock train into Paige, TX on the evening of November 23rd, 2021.
A well-weathered ex-SOO Line by way of Indiana Railroad SD60 leads a westbound rock train into Butler, TX on the evening of November 23rd, 2021.
A well-weathered ex-SOO Line by way of Indiana Railroad SD60 splits the vintage SP searchlights in Elgin, TX with a westbound rock train on the Austin Western on the evening of November 23rd, 2021... (more)
A well-weathered ex-SOO Line by way of Indiana Railroad SD60 leads a westbound rock train on the Austin Western past some vintage Southern Pacific searchlight signals on the evening on November 23... (more)
An empty aggregates train returns to the Texas Hill Country for reloading and delivery back to the Union Pacific in McNeil (north Austin).WAMX 4228 was built as Kennecott Utah Copper Corpo... (more)
A colorful foursome of SD40s of various vintages await the next assignment at the limestone/aggregates complexes in Marble Falls, TX. PRLX 2842 was delivered as SP SD45T-2 9399 FBRX... (more)
A very strange consist to see in Texas no doubt. Austin Western has recently been making a big push for bigger power and they sure are getting it.
#3134 in its final months of being leased on the A&TC leads the Saturday Hill Country Flyer into Burnet.
A rare daylight run for the Austin Western is seen with a 5 pack of EMD SD40-2's. This is the daily southbound rock train from Marble Falls, Texas to Manor, Texas.
A Mike Bledsoe Photo.
While on a yard tour given to me by a friend, HZRX 3134 holds in the yard at the Austin Steam Institute.